Tuesday, October 16, 2007

October 16th - Tuesday - Update

Amanda is still in the hospital and her family is with her 24 hours a day. They are still monitoring the brain fluid leak.

The brain fluid leak, a known risk factor from the surgery, is something that happens to one in ten patients. It occurs possibly when the multiple layers of skin are sewn together after they extracted the tumor, or when they patched the hole in her skull, they didn't put enough in there and a leak occured. Whichever of those scenarios happened, the process is to follow the lumbar spinal tap procedure to keep the presssure down from one's own brain fluid and away from the leak so it can heal.

This is imperative so that infection does not set in, and not to go back into surgery to repair the leak.

On the bright side, Amanda has a lot to be thankful for: the entire tumor was removed so she doesn't have to go thru a radiation process and her face function is normal!! Thank you God.

They told us that there would be hills and valleys with respect to the progress of her recovery, we are now in the valley. She is determined to get thru this. Tomorrow is another day! Keep up your good thoughts, and prayers, as I believe this is keeping her strong.

Best wishes,

Sharon Lewis


Anonymous said...

Sharon, thanks for the update...I'm sure your nerves are frayed and your sleep deprivation at an all-time high! But letting us know how Amanda is doing allows us to work harder to assure the both of you that you are doing great and are making progress! Stay resolute!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing all of this with us. . I recently heard from Ryan all that's happening with Amanda and I've been praying everyday for her, alone and with my bible study group. Praise God to hear that the surgery was successful and that she has such tremendous support in her life such as you and the rest of the fam. My prayers for her will only continue from here. .
With love, Jackie

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for the Mandy update. And thank goodness the doctors got everything out. I'm sending healing and hopeful thoughts to you down the Peninsula.

-- Sulks

Anonymous said...

We are thinking of you, Mandy.

Anonymous said...

Stay strong Amanda. We are thinking about you and praying for you. You will get through this.

We love you,
Gena, Zach, Ty and Carter

Unknown said...

Thanks for keeping all of us posted, Sharon. You're doing a great job. These details really help us focus our prayers and thoughts towards Amanda's recovery every step of the way. Please send her love, cheers and hugs from Rich and Kimbo. xoxo, Kimbo

Unknown said...
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Win said...

Sharon...Please tell Amanda that I know she has the spirit, and strenth and that I can't possibly imagine anything but a recovery with her attitude.

As a cancer survivor and one of the luckier cases of a chronic auto inflammitory condition, I have been repeatedly reminded the effect of outlook, family support and attitude on recovery.

Tell Amanda that this former fighter pilot thinks she has all the right stuff from all the angles....and I'm sure the Angels.

Both Doris and I have Amanda and your family in our prayers.

Win and Doris Reither

kimberly said...

Hey girl!!!! Adam and i just read the update.... We are rooting for you and know the ninja in you will beat this. We love you and miss you terribly. Can't wait to see you again.